Let's talk MONEY with Julia and Tessa

Show notes

In this episode, Julia and Tessa covered:

  • The hidden costs and time spent in running a talking circle
  • Avoiding facilitator burnout by being compensated for your time
  • Different models for running a listening circle
  • Getting funding to make the circle free for participants to attend
  • Experiences of trying to run a circle by donation

You can pre-order our book Circle Holding: A Practical Guide to Facilitating Talking Circles on Amazon (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Circle-Holding-Practical-Facilitating-Talking/dp/1805013157/) For a signed copy from Independent Book Store West End Lane Books purchase the book here https://www.welbooks.co.uk/shop/p/circle-holding-by-julia-davis-and-tessa-venuti-sanderson

Get your free Start Your Circle Guide HERE To learn more about facilitating circles you can join one of our trainings: https://www.circleholding.org Circle Holding Fundamentals - introductory 3 hour workshop https://www.circleholding.org/circle-fundamentals Circle Holding Facilitator Training - 3 month training https://www.circleholding.org/circle-holders-journey Circle Holding Book Club - a fun way to work through the exercises https://www.circleholding.org/book-club Yoga Nidra & Circle Holding https://www.circleholding.org/yoga-nidra-circle-holding Circle Holding Self Study Programme https://www.circleholding.org/self-study Circle Holding Non-Residential Retreat - London https://www.circleholding.org/weekend-retreat Circle Holding Residential Retreat https://www.circleholding.org/autumn-residential Free Events and mini trainings - meet Julia & Tessa and get a taste of circle holding https://www.circleholding.org/free-resources We love to hear from circle facilitators and circle goers so please email us at info@circleholding.org

Music credit: Fabio Venuti

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