A Labour of Love: Building a Circle Holding Non Profit with Becoming Mum's Liz Allum

Show notes

In this episode with Liz Allum of Becoming Mums, we covered: • The importance of having co-facilitators to support with the skills to read the room and create a permissive atmosphere • How being clear about what your demographic needs is more important than what you want to do (and will help you get funding) • Talking to existing organisations or projects that work with your demographic to see how they work and what gaps in provision there are so you’re not reinventing the wheel but creating allies • The importance of paying artists a proper fee for their time in providing a creative aspect to your circle and how creating can support talking • How you as a facilitator create the structure for the space, but then get out of the way of where the talking wants to go: it’s not about your agency but the people who are there • Having shared experience / being a peer makes all the difference when inviting speakers to a circle • How as a facilitator there might come a time when it’s right to move on because you’re no longer in the demographic • Creating community and connections is what underpins change in society

Get your free Start Your Circle Guide HERE You can pre-order our book Circle Holding: A Practical Guide to Facilitating Talking Circles on Amazon (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Circle-Holding-Practical-Facilitating-Talking/dp/1805013157/) For a signed copy from Independent Book Store West End Lane Books purchase the book here https://www.welbooks.co.uk/shop/p/circle-holding-by-julia-davis-and-tessa-venuti-sanderson

To learn more about facilitating circles you can join one of our trainings: https://www.circleholding.org Circle Holding Fundamentals - introductory 3 hour workshop https://www.circleholding.org/circle-fundamentals Circle Holding Facilitator Training - 3 month training https://www.circleholding.org/circle-holders-journey Circle Holding Book Club - a fun way to work through the exercises https://www.circleholding.org/book-club Yoga Nidra & Circle Holding https://www.circleholding.org/yoga-nidra-circle-holding Circle Holding Self Study Programme https://www.circleholding.org/self-study Circle Holding Non-Residential Retreat - London https://www.circleholding.org/weekend-retreat Circle Holding Residential Retreat https://www.circleholding.org/autumn-residential Free Events and mini trainings - meet Julia & Tessa and get a taste of circle holding https://www.circleholding.org/free-resources We love to hear from circle facilitators and circle goers so please email us at info@circleholding.org

Music credit: Fabio Venuti

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