From Monastery to Participatory Democracy with Andy Paice

Show notes

In this episode, Julia and Andy covered: • Participatory democracy is about a deeper level of democracy .e.g Citizen’s assembly to listen to diverse voices and find common solutions • Danger of spiritual bypassing when engaged in spiritual practices at the expense of everyday relationships in society • ‘Deep democracy’ tries to draw inner voices into democratic process as microcosm of outer world • Talking in circle ‘until the obvious arises’ leads to real solutions • Facilitator balances aim of meeting with making people comfortable to take part • Appreciative enquiry to use imagination through crafts or drawing so that people have chance to express themselves through different methods • Dynamic facilitation to reflect back what you’ve heard and to create a safe space where creative solutions can emerge rather than fighting about different opinions • Diversity in facilitators to match diversity of participants and to ensure that there isn’t a power imbalance • Parliament as opposite of circle holding – paradigms that current society build on makes collaboration harder

Andy’s Website:

Information on Citizens Assemblies

UK Participation organisations that Andy works for: Shared Future CIC MutualGain Involve UK

The US non profit Andy is involved with: Co-Intelligence Institute

Andy’s writing on participatory democracy: The holistic paradigm as Demoracy’s evolutionary frontier

Facilitation methods mentioned: Dynamic Facilitation Arnold Mindell’s Deep Democracy Appreciative Inquiry Andy’s mentors: Tom Atlee Rosa Zubizarreta

Get your free Start Your Circle Guide HERE You can pre-order our book Circle Holding: A Practical Guide to Facilitating Talking Circles on Amazon ( For a signed copy from Independent Book Store West End Lane Books purchase the book here

To learn more about facilitating circles you can join one of our trainings: Circle Holding Fundamentals - introductory 3 hour workshop Circle Holding Facilitator Training - 3 month training Circle Holding Book Club - a fun way to work through the exercises Yoga Nidra & Circle Holding Circle Holding Self Study Programme Circle Holding Non-Residential Retreat - London Circle Holding Residential Retreat Free Events and mini trainings - meet Julia & Tessa and get a taste of circle holding We love to hear from circle facilitators and circle goers so please email us at

Music credit: Fabio Venuti

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